
King of Games from on March 11th, 2025
Gems 81k
30 cards

Notes & Combos

Don't you just LOVE bad Skill design having no meaningful restrictions? Don't you also just LOVE Konami Unlimiting Mechaba for no reason at all? Yeah if you can't tell, this was made to prove this was a huge mistake.

Combos are very situation dependent. Main one is Aleister and either Shield Bearer or White Steed, ending on Cyber Slash, Crystal Wing, and Mechaba, or Caliga instead of Mechaba when dealing with Salamangreat. If you have a Magical Meltdown, cut either the Crackdown or a White Steed. This is just what I had and it works for me.

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Replays with Commentary: https://youtu.be/BNYcDH7ENkc?feature=shared&t=843