
King of Games from on March 9th, 2025
Gems 64k + $228
27 cards

Notes & Combos

basic combo for aleister is to basically normal summon it, activate skill to get level 2 tuner. make splendid rose, copy plant to make another level 6, then make Beatrice. send eclipse wyvern, banish ritual monster or levi, then fusion summon into mechaba using eclipse wyvern to add the dragon that is banish. you usually set up your board with 1 target negate, 1 farfa banish, and a negate of spell or monster. also Virgil is for survivability against salamangreats.

the ice barrier is the bridge, it works with most card to search aleister or sauge de fleur a bit more consistently, haven't tested if it work for the other cards.

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