
King of Games from on March 18th, 2025
Gems 16k
30 cards

Notes & Combos

“Nekroz of Nothing!” “Dude, put your shirt back on!”

On one hand, I’m happy that Nekroz got the rest of their current TCG support and a competent Skill so now they can function on their own without the Fleur engine. I really wanted to give myself a more skill-testing deck to challenge myself this month since I breezed through KOG brainlessly with full-powered HERO for my previous KOG climb. Also, because it’s a ritual deck with a generic Skill I can finally play as the awesome girlypop Alexis Rhodes while using a Ritual deck for the first time since Vendreads were relevant, which was actually one of the first decks I KOGed with. I didn’t start playing DL until 2019 so I missed Cyber Angel format…here’s hoping they get a powerful Skill to compete again! Im always little bit Alexis~<3

On the other hand, I had a similar harrowing time as my Nekroz Fleur experience in that I got demoted in Legend 5 and almost got demoted twice more, AND I lost four KOG rank-up matches because I either bricked, set up a less-than-optimal turn 1 board, or couldn’t play through multiple points of interaction going 2nd. This deck is very skill testing in how it tests your decision making with which protection cards to search in which matchups and how well you can manage your resources because, like any Ritual player can attest, decks like these use a lot of them to make their plays. I will absolutely admit that I played less than optimally for most of my climb and lost tons of games because I did something like search Gungnir when I really should’ve searched Valk. If you’re brave enough to take on the challenge of piloting pure Nekroz I highly recommend watching as many gameplay videos on YouTube as possible to familiarize yourself with the combo lines, and also remember that Ahreadbair doesn’t trigger the non-ritual Nekroz monsters if you tribute them with his effect.

Best matchups are Lyrilusc, Shaddoll, and Predaplant since they have a hard time dealing with Unicore (Predap in particular since they’re usually running Planet in favor of Hydra). Trickier matchups include Dragonmaids amd HEROes depending on how smart they are and how long the grind game goes on and also Salads depending on how good they are at working within the timer. I dropped every game against Boxers and Ancient Warriors because their points of interaction are harder for Nekroz to maneuver around, and also going 2nd against any setup that had Dweller + something else.

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Waifumaids HERO Shark Fleur Salad KOG-#5