Notes & Combos
Same list as last month, except for 2 copies of Senju over Ariel. I figured that 5 normal summons is probably the optimal amount for a 30 cards decklist and Senju is more flexible than Ariel, as it can search Brionac (or Areadbhair) which can then search any of the non-rituals in return. The only downside of opening a normal summon is being unable to use the GY effect of Cycle to get a +1 (since you will be controlling a monster on the field), however that play often required tributing 2 monsters with Areadbhair, so the net hand advantage is the same except for the rare cases where you would open 2 different non-rituals.
Again, play N'tss if you have it, it comes up a lot expecially against cringe cards like Necrovalley. Rebellion, Cerberus and the Utopia package can be 100% replaced,
Replays with timestamps: