
King of Games from on March 24th, 2025

Notes & Combos

Reached KOG with Predaplant this month, using the Predaplanet variant as opposed to the Hydra variant I used to KOG with this deck a few months ago. While this variant has a weaker Turn 2 (though not by much thanks to the free Predator Counter from the skill), it makes up for it with a stronger Turn 1 and the ability to use Predaplanet for some OTK lines.

Initially I was running Ensemblue Robin but replaced it with Cerberus because I wasn't using it much, only to end up not using Cerberus too often either. Unchained Abomination is there only because I don't have Underworld Goddess/White Woman Jumpscare (which a lot of Predaplant decks are running), although there are some cases where it is good enough on its own.

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Tachyon (older decklist where I was running MST)

Shiranui (one of the few times Abomination comes up)

Cyber Dragon