
King of Games from on March 26th, 2025
Gems 24k
20 cards

Notes & Combos

This deck is incredibly strong, but it is plagued by a few completely unwinnable matchups, those being gemini, lyrilusc, and zombie world. If you see those decks you have to pray for a disconnect. That being said, this deck has an incredibly good matchup against salad and heros (if the hero player is not playing gaia for the 1/100 earth deck matchup). Anger knuckle + bullet train outgrinds every deck in the format and citadel locks a lot of decks out of playing at all (including salad, even with balelynx they can't beat citadel coming back every turn).

Ruffian railcar was very good, it was regularly the best target for urgent schedule and turn 1 revolving switchyard. Ironwolf came up only once but it did win me a game I would've probably lost otherwise. Galaxy destroyer came up multiple times and was quite good when it did. The second anger knuckle actually saved me a few times when my opponent banished my first one or when I needed to clear non-level 10s from my field. I don't have a second gangaridai, but I did find myself wanting one a few times. I also don't have a dark infinity, but the lp gain would've definitely saved me a few times so I'd definitely play it if I had it.

I tried playing non-engine, but this deck suffers from consistency issues quite a bit and I found anytime I drew it I'd be better off with another engine card instead.

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