
King of Games from on March 4th, 2025
Gems 54.5k + $78
30 cards

Notes & Combos

1-Card Combo

  1. Activate Golden Castle of Stromberg, summon Prinzessin from deck, summon Pumpkin Carriage from deck.
  2. Activate skill, shuffle 1-card from hand to deck, summon Necro Synchron from deck, change level of Prinzessin to 5.
  3. Synchro summon Clear Wing Synchro Dragon using Necro Synchron and Prinzessin. Necro Synchron activates to summon Spore from deck.
  4. Synchro summon Herald of Arc Light using Spore and Pumpkin Carriage.
  5. Activate Spore, banishing Pumpkin Carriage to summon itself as a Lv4.
  6. Synchro summon Hi Speedroid Clear Wing Rider using Clear Wing Synchro Dragon and Spore.
  7. Activate Hi Speedroid Clear Wing Rider to shuffle Clear Wing Synchro Dragon from GY back into ED (this is so you can summon it during your opp.'s turn.)

Small World lines

Skull Meister acts a bridge for these cards: Glife, Sauge, Sorciere, Levianeer, D.D. Crow, Lava Golem, Prinzessin, Gren Maju De Eiza

D.D. Crow acts a bridge for these cards: Necro Synchron, Effect Veiler, Droll, Glife, Sauge, Sorciere, Levianeer

Prinzessin acts a bridge for: Sauravis, BLS Envoy, Skull Meister, Glife

Effect Veiler is a bridge for: Ghost Mourner, Sauravis, BLS Envoy, D.D. Crow, Prinzessin

Ghost Mourner is a bridge for: Effect Veiler, Glife (in other words, only useful for searching Glife)

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Replays vs. Gemini vs. Salamangreat vs. Borrel vs. Odd-Eyes Pendulum vs. Lyrilusc