
King of Games from on March 26th, 2025

Notes & Combos

Subterrors are back! And the skill is actually better than I brainstormed. :-)

A few tips when running this deck:

  • If you set Final Battle from your hand, you get to draw a card, then... if only your opponent had a monster, you can set a Behemoth from the hand/Deck. If you did control a monster, you still get to draw 1 (but don't get to set from hand/Deck).
  • A monster that is flipped face-down and face-up in the same Battle Phase that has declared an attack is considered to have declared the attack already, so no cheesing there.
  • Monsters flipped face-down that were summoned that turn cannot flip up, except by Final Battle and Hidden City, so save those effects for the monsters that were summoned that turn.
  • Face-down monsters cannot gain a negated status (i.e. Effect Veiler, Droplet), so for example, even if your opponent chains Veiler to your Final Battle that will flip you down in response to a Droplet, you will be face-down and therefore not negated by Droplet (nor by Veiler) by the time you resolve your Chain Link.


Comments after getting KoG - I may consider Ultramafus as an out to Lyrilusc. Other than that, I'm pretty happy with this list. I went 9-1 to KoG. I was already Legend 5 from originally planning to do it with Orcust, but then new Subterrors came out and I just went with that instead.

Some of the matchups: Resonator, HEROs, Invoked Shaddoll, Unchained, Lyrilusc, Orcust.

Of these,

  • Only Lyrilusc was hard. Again, Ultramafus is now a good option if you want an easy way to counter that matchup. It also will NOT lose to Droplet thanks to Final Battle.
  • Against Orcust you can just negate Dingirsu on the field. The scary part is only the Knightmares.
  • Against Unchained when they go 2nd, let them summon Aruha, then flip down Sarama, or negate Abom if needed. When you go 2nd, Final Battle flip down protects against Soul of Rage.
  • HERO is solvable, you just save Fiendess for Stratos pop (plays around chain Super Poly; chaining to fuse Guru does not stop Fiendess), and if possible save the Guru book effect for Rainbow Neos. We play Veiler for Sunrise.

Notably, being able to set Final Battle and flipping it immediately going 2nd protects against all effects that grant the negated status (e.g. Veiler, Droplet.

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KoG video coming before end of March.