Time Thief

King of Games from on March 15th, 2025
Gems 7.5k
27 cards

Notes & Combos

IMPORTANT PSA: This was a challenge run King of Games climb. If you're here because the low gem count clickbaited you, please know that adding one run of the Scream Of Resistance minibox to add Raider's Knight/Arc Rebellion/Exciton to the extra deck makes the deck much better and easier to go second and break boards with, and is heavily recommended if you're new to Time Thief - doing that also lets you replace Time Thief Hack with some other, more useful card.

Also, don't be afraid to replace Murmur/Spiritualism with better ways to shut down opposing monsters/traps if you copy this list - I'm sure anyone who wants to copy the list has better staples laying around than the limitations of 1 Majestic Magic box run allowed.

All the recent Time Thief lists on DLM were listed as being hella expensive so I figured I'd go back to the roots, when people ran this deck as budget option.

Main deck: Nonengine is the best going 2nd stuff I could find in the f2p card pool. 11 starters in 27 cards, to lower the chance of Flyback/early Hack draws taking up opening hand space. Kiteroid looks okay but doesn't fit the decks' super grindy playstyle.

Extra deck: Number 70 aids with OTKing and controlling GYs (I'll probably run two if I ever do this again), Cat Girl sometimes finishes off opposing LP on turn 5/6, Nightingale/Linkuriboh helps in the Predaplant matchup to get rid of monsters with Predap counters, and Cairngorgon is the best third xyz in hands that can full combo.

Balelynx is for the rare Iblee locks because the free extra deck pool is bad enough that there's nothing better to run.

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Many people were playing exceptionally bad this month in Legend rank (my rankup duel into KoG was my opponent timing out turn 1 on CB) so it's hard to post good replays but here's some reasonably good duels vs salad I saved along the way:



one vs HERO: https://duellinks.konami.net/att/033853723855434a02cf32a91e706811c9d20c5ce5