
King of Games from on May 26th, 2024
Gems 37k
20 cards

Notes & Combos

Since last time people complained about the lack of combo explanations and little me care about customer satisfaction, I'm going to share my secret recipe against one of the major threats in the game right now: BEWD. Allright when you face glue eaters, oops I mean blue shiet players, you should start with melu-seek their mom's number and dial it. Let's assume they summoned a glue something little shiet in their turn and you managed to fix a date with their mom, all you need to do is go there and multi-fak-er with your 20c deck in order to kunquery that hoe. Simple like that. If you need a better clarification, don't refrain from commenting here or contacting me on my Discord channel : Cuck Glue Eaters - Funny Meme and 18+ Mom videos. I can also provide you with some pookuery short lessons on demand. Or in alternative you can always ask to pedo-bear professor Crimson. Guy is always full of shiet and quite a pedo but he knows his stuff and can provide you with a detailed philosophical essay on how cute Ghost Mourner is and how much he digs her. Shoutout to my besties: Pomodoro, OOF, chivalrous and the many friends I made from the Quantum server. Guys won't be too much grateful of these shoutouts once they read all this cringe stuff, but I'm sorry guys I lack time and imagination, so you should settle for this, too bad. I'm sorry but I can already hear the Mod police sirens (glue eaters and professor alerted them) so I better run fast. Sayonara!

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