Block Dragon

King of Games from on May 28th, 2024
Gems 50.5k + $221
30 cards

Notes & Combos

Honestly, this deck is a lot of fun to pilot, but it has such a bad turn 1 that it makes the Battle Chronicle (and especially the Darkfluid Link) matchup virtually unplayable. This deck has a lot of synergies, which I really like, but it's still quite a few Extra Deck slots away from being good. Extra deck space was super tight, so it was very hard to decide what went in and out. Ahashima was a fairly good addition to the deck, as it not only helped clear out backrow like Crackdown turn 2, but also it can be made with Block Dragon and Alghoul, which is cool. I ran a lot of different varients, like the Tour Guide version and the Ancient Warrior package, but neither one really had the synergy that I needed, and the normal summon reliance made it super fragile, so I decided to go with Lightsworn since Raiden's a 4, works with Ahashima, and pretty much everything else is Special Summonable. Mind Control is nice with the addition of Vespenato, as I would simple steal a Rank 4 like Rafflesia or Ophion. Other extra deck options I tried out were Topologic, Cerberus, Rafflesia, and Borrelsword, but I saw myself going into none of them consistently, and if I did go into them, I was already winning the game regardless and I had no reason to overextend, or in Rafflesia's case, it was just super prone to Book, Chalice, and Ultimate Fusion, which a lot of people seem to be running right now. Lastly, Exciton Knight was definitely the best card in this deck simply for the fact that (especially against Battle Chronicle and PK), they would let me get two level 4s on the field (presumably to just pop my Xyz), and they would be heavily caught off guard at an Exciton appearing and blowing up their board.

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Replays Basic Replay as to show what the deck can do a little bit. (Turn one was worse that usual, lol.)