
King of Games from on May 13th, 2024
Gems 42k
23 cards

Notes & Combos

This deck is super fun to play and very strong!

I got 20 winstreak in kog with kaijus last season and 10 winstreaks today during rank climb. Last time were easier because theres none of those arc rebellion.

wightprincess is a last minute addition but i only managed to draw it in 1 duel.

ik 4 kaijus is bricky, i always failed to do honeybot lock last time, integerator make me draw a kaiju.

so with balancer lord both effects and one for one(if you own it) it can help summon honeybot with less resources or drew 2 synchrons after summon quantum. I wish next structure provide transcode talker or splash mage which helps this deck in a different way to do the lock

in my run i always see raidraptors that arc rebel my lock which is dreadful, annoying altergeist if i go 2nd, and not much meta decks tbh in the middle of the month.

What yall expect next free structure? Theres gonna be new skill darkfluid links which i hope is awesome. idk how to utilize darkfluid if i want to continue synchron quantum, i wish they give us more code talker extenders tho,splash mage, transcode, or more code talkers! decode alt art confirmed. maybe skill set cynet codec

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rank up to kog duel vs blue eyes

Combo if have balancer lord and an only 1 extender, i used both effects to summon synchron last

equimax kaiju burst at the end

Lock + degrade combo