
King of Games from on May 27th, 2024
Gems 49.5k + $45
21 cards

Notes & Combos

  1. use skill, dump 1 heliotrope from hand or deck, dump 1 castor to graveyard and add either castor or kerykion to hand

  2. use dai/silent doom to special summon heliotrope to field. normal summon castor, link summon origin, normal summon again kerykion, acttivate kerykion effect, remove castor from graveyard add heliotrope to hand, activate effect; normal summon heliotrope using kerykion second effect. xyz summon ophion, ophion effect grab pandameic or terminus depending on what u drew and end turn.

  3. if lockdown is successful, you'll be locked onto ohpion and origin on field and you your opponent won't be able to flood the field due to ophion's and origin's effect. when a monster is destroyed on the field, you'll be able to special summon ketos and lantern on field to pop 1 card on your turn. furthermore kerykion can also special summon those monsters for free more pops in later turns. if ophion gets destroyed, special summon raider's knight and use effect to special summon arc rebellion for a late sweeper.


https://duellinks.konami.net/att/0677b8da208a70c726a2eca812f806141114bfd716 (speedroid)

https://duellinks.konami.net/att/0677b8da208a70c726a2eca812f806141114bfd716 (galaxy eyes)

https://duellinks.konami.net/att/047f2c38aa917396001bebf302ade1433667f6aee6 (destiny heroes)

https://duellinks.konami.net/att/007dba71fe428542e7378b795815345c1f2a299d1d (blue eyes)

https://duellinks.konami.net/att/01089ac6cee4343e5aa27391cedd46f72e82ed5632 (cyberse)