
King of Games from on May 31st, 2024
Gems 40.5k + $98
24 cards

Notes & Combos

Super Poly really helps against Blue-Eyes and PK. You could replace one of the fusion monsters or knightmares for a grysta (shiranui matchup) or shekhinaga (sky strikers pairup) but this felt the most consistent. Ice Dragon's Prison carries in a lot of situations, and mind control can be used more offensively to take away a problem monster for game or to link it into a knightmare. Most of the time you will want to us wendi's affect when going first to summon a hedgehog and search shcism, or summon a dragon to bounce a card back to hand during your opponent's turn with incarnation. Hedgehog is normally the best choice because schism wins many games on its own. Turn 1 you should be ending on construct, hedgehog, schism, and hopefully a prison or el shaddoll fusion.

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