
King of Games from on May 5th, 2024
Gems 34k + $52
20 cards

Notes & Combos

I think i've been cursed in this game somehow because every time i test new decks, they simply don't seem to work in my hand. Like, what the **** man, seriously. I tried using RR, altergeist and PK, but i was being countered every time, so i had to rely on my ol' mommys deck. Dennis that soab don't want to drop hat tricker also, so i couldn't test performage. Still waiting Konami remember this deck exists or get some new pendulum support.

  • Deck is still inconsistent, bricks sometimes but is ok.
  • PK i lost almost all the time because it is a monster spam and you can barely hold them. Galaxy is somehow the same monster spam, so depends on luck either.
  • Forbidden lance beacuse i saw a lot of people(specially RR and performage) using mind control so you can hold a bit.
  • Artifact lancea was very specific for PK but for other decks it was almost a dead card, so DD crow instead because is more embracing. And i didn't face a lot strangely, faced a lot of BE.
  • RR and BE depends on what you draw and play strategically to stop the right plays, so it's a 50/50 i guess.
  • BE try not to link summon if possible because sucessor soul can't summon monsters if they target pendulum monsters, since they go to ED instead.
  • Shaddol try to leave monsters out of EMZ so the fusion spell won't be a big problem. Winda is not so much of a deal since you pendulum summon once and that's it. Also Gracia and Beautia can pass through their field without big problems.

I'll be out of time later this month so i kogged earlier :)

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firts was vs a Shaddol but he forfeit turn 1. vs Live Twin vs BE, got heat waved but survived somehow vs RE zombie vs Utopia Gunkan