
King of Games from on May 26th, 2024
Gems 66.5k
30 cards

Notes & Combos

Utopia lines from last month are too fragile for the meta this month, time to transition back to hiding behind an infinite number of traps and grinding my opponents out. The Grand Spellbook Tower is a mini-Runick Fountain and can continuously recycle and draw, notably recycling Spellbook of Knowledge to draw even more every turn. Spellbook of Fate provides some dearly needed non-targeting removal, though the Lunalight matchup is still unpleasant, especially if they manage to set up many untargetable bosses. Otherwise it's just all about trying to survive the first few turns, then once the resource loop starts pumping and the board state is simplified, it's smooth sailing and a satisfying grind while your opponent is forced to watch their resources slowly run out. Ipiria is a good alternative normal summon, forming a good number of normal summons for this deck (opening or drawing into a second normal summon is great for follow-up). Hallowed Life Barrier is the best card in the deck, both ensures survival and protects bodies on field for Xyz plays next turn. Compulse is chosen over other limited 3 traps because it is true removal (unlike Lost Wind or Floodgate Trap Hole) without cost, while Crackdown blocks zones (critical flaw due to Anomalocaris requiring 3 monsters to summon) and Ice Dragon's Prison is more situational and doesn't work against every deck (even though it is non-targeting removal). Compulse can also bounce my own monsters, such as to dodge an Afterburners (so that the additional S/T pop does not resolve). All of the Extra Deck Monsters come up, except Knightmare Cerberus being very situational, only for an extra pop or unclogging zones deep into specific matches when I already have ample resources and pretty much winning anyways. Perhaps I may swap it for Centaurea, not sure yet.

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https://duellinks.konami.net/att/0351fec338d3a043441d6a02208c05661afc2e007d KoG rank up match. Watch as I completely chew out my PK opponent's deck in 9 turns. https://duellinks.konami.net/att/0622bcdc431ec48f8e2e3b87617e0e91aaa6848842 Against another PK player. Their Break Swords are used up quickly, so I can slowly choke them out. https://duellinks.konami.net/att/05557279ed86864735bf2f00fc245827b3ff812378 An earlier duel against Sky Striker that showcases the incredible grindgame of the deck.