Notes & Combos
The basic idea of this deck is to combine Twins consistency with Archfiends raw power.
There are 5 flex spots for disruption and recovery and another one that must be Cynet Mining or Secret Password.
Start as regular Twins with their 1 card combo. Use their draws and pops with other generic disruptions, until you draw Archfiend cards that help you close games:
- Palabyrinth boosts Evil Twins and Knightmares attack. If Emperor on field, banish one of them to summon another 3500 attack Emperor from anywhere.
- Emperor pops not hard once per turn using other Emperors and Palabyrinths. After Palabyrinth summon you can get 2 pops.
- Falling Down steals monster during your turn (any other Archfiend card will make it live) and ECon steals monster during both players turn.
Iblee is recovery tool after board wipe, link 3 enabler and disruption against restricted skill decks like Yubel.
Most of the ED are fiends because of Evil Twins and Emperor fiend lock. Ningirsu is there to handle untargetable with destruction protection monsters like in Blue Eyes and Lunalight.
Some replays from the climb to KOG.
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