Bubble Era

King of Games from on November 4th, 2023
Gems 17.5k
30 cards

Notes & Combos

Adapted from Dice's Top 4 list

3 Fire Golem -> 3 Seahorse Server

The Yamiruler interaction never came up, even in Yamiruler games. Went with Server for consistent healing, which lets you play around huge tempo swings more effectively and activate Triple Threat Thunder more consistently.

Dian Keto -> Prima Guitarna

By playing 1 less Dian Keto and 1 more Prima Guitarna, the deck gains more of an offensive punch, which compliments the pivot to Seahorse Server very well. It also lets you play around Phantom Bind more efficiently, as that's Keto's biggest weakness. Would consider running 3 Prima, 1 Keto in the future, but I like Keto's ATK stat as a defensive wall.

Phantom Bind -> Pierce!

Phantom Bind is not that good of a card imo. The only deck it hits effectively is Yamiruler, but my deck is tailored to combat other match ups and concede against an unpopular/undpowered strategy. Other than that deck, Phantom Bind inconviences Dian Keto, which is okay at best, and is a trap against Dragonic Resonance, as even though they have the monster line up for it, it's Slayer food anyway. A second Pierce is my tech of choice as it allows you to get big damage going second and works really well with the offensive duo of Dragias and Guitarna.

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My 5 game streak + discussion