Bubble Era

King of Games from on November 14th, 2023
Gems 14k
30 cards

Notes & Combos

Most games in this current iteration of Rush Duels tend to revolve around Dragias and it's sheer pushing power. This deck aims to capitalise on this by using an Aqua tribute core to Tribute Summon multiple boss monsters at once.

Despite being a Bubble Era deck, we use no copies of Dian Keto the Boogie Master, as it is particularly susceptible to Phantom Bind. It's healing ability can be readily replaced by the skill Cure Master Dian Keto, a functionally better alternative as it also allows recycling of Seahorse Carrier. Discards are better suited to Thunder the Thunder, who can turn crashes with opposing boss monsters into clears.

Harpie Lady, Gazelle the King of Mythical Beasts and Water Magician help to increase our attribute count for Sevens Road Magician's effect while having a decent DEF stat that can help survive past the first turn against opposing peons using our own Phantom Bind. The types of these 3 also don't clash with our boss monsters, rendering them almost completely immune to Phantom Bind.

Water Magician is particularly noteworthy as it adds an extra Aqua to our total Aqua count, increasing the likelihood of activating Triple Threat Thunder, which can be triggered from an empty field with Seahorse Carrier and any additional Aqua name in hand.

Replays consist of:

  • A nice back-and-forth duel in the final five climb, Triple Threat Thunder allowed me to break a board that would have otherwise been a complete curbstomp.
  • My KoG rank-up game. Unfortunately for my opponent, they made a misplay here that was particularly costly, so it doesn't make for the most interesting gameplay.
  • A really close KoG duel. There's something about duels where both players have 100LP left that makes things quite tense and exciting.
  • A demonstration game in KoG, but the best replay for showcasing the end goal of this deck.
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