
King of Games from on November 23rd, 2023
Gems 39k
20 cards

Notes & Combos

I tried the 30-card Resonator version, but I found it too bricky, so I adjusted it to this. Deck is designed to go into Void Ogre, SRDA, and Red Reign going first (while gaining 3000 LP), and play through at least one interruption going second.

Combo is activate skill, Foolish Crimson Resonator, add Red Sprinter, summon Sprinter, Sprinter summons Crimson, summon Red Rising, Red Rising summons Crimson, Crimson activates effect to summon Red Resonator and another (either Red or Force).

with Wildwind or Luna (and another fiend) in hand - don't activate Red's effect. Summon Void Ogre, bring out your summon from hand, go into Red Rising using Red Resonator, then special summon Red Resonator and activate its effect to target Void Ogre and gain 3000 LP. Then go into SRDA and activate your skill again to set Red Reign from the deck.

Without Wildwind or Luna, usually your best bet is to go into SRDA, gain 2100 LP from Red Resonator targeting Red Rising, and setting Red Reign from the deck.

Red Gardna is added to have another way to activate the skill in the unlikely chance you draw both Sprinters, as well as provide some niche destruction protection and the ability to discard on your opponent's turn to make Void Ogre Dragon's effect live. Skull Meister can also discard itself (and shuts down BLS very effectively), but its effect is much more situational, while as long as you have SRDA on the field, Gardna can be discarded in response to anything.

People misplay against this deck a lot - they will flip Red Rising face down, when instead to interrupt this deck, it is best to remove Crimson Resonator. Effect Veiler (or any monster negate) into Red Sprinter also hard counters this deck if Monster Reborn is not in hand.

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