
King of Games from on November 28th, 2023
Gems 41.5k
21 cards

Notes & Combos

I see a lot of Speedroid players not using Hagoita, sometimes not adding it at all in their decklists. Regardless of the rest of the cards you use, Hagoita is the most important card to play turn 1 if possible.

The skill is good, but the basic Clear Wing into Crystal Wing just burns fuel and does not provide value after turn 1. With Hagoita in grave, it allows any lv 3 tuner or Yo-Yo top deck to be huge lv 8 plays on your next turn. Right now we simply do not have enough lv 7 synchros to rely on Yo-Yo and Red-Eyed Dice to be a good follow up. Harpie Lady is a great follow up, beating most Link decks at the moment. Nothing needs to be said for Kitedrake, besides Crystal Wing it is the go-to win condition.

Also a note about the skill, you want to avoid dumping Red-Eyed dice in grave unless you really brick, because the option for a 4100 ATK Clear Wing after blowing up the board with Kitedrake is busted.

Best Combo

In hand:

  • Terrortop (or a Wynn into Terrortop)
  • Car turbo / Taketomborg <br></br>
  1. SS Terrortop
  2. Search Car turbo / Taketomborg (whichever you do not have)
  3. SS Taketomborg
  4. Tribute and SS Red-eyed dice from deck
  5. Make Terrortop lv 4
  6. Synchro Hagoita
  7. SS Carturbo
  8. Synchro Crystal Wing

At this point, you can use any extenders you have. Yo-yo, any lv 3 tuner, then get another lv 8 Synchro like Harpie or Stardust. Hagoita in grave turn 1 is always important, as it allows any monster top deck (besides Fuki) to be another lv 8 Synchro.

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