
King of Games from on November 1st, 2024
Gems 28.5k
30 cards

Notes & Combos

How this deck works:

  • Rex, Innovator, Surge Bicorn are monsters that help restore cards to the deck (at least 1 for Innovator that attacks pierce, and no Talismanic).
  • Essel, Performer, Reactor can mill to increase the chance of summoning high levels. Performer also destroys the opponent's deck (milling destroys the order in which cards will go into the opponent's hand).
  • Combine Monster Reincarnation and Reactor wisely, this will make the deck much smoother.
  • Hammer Crush is used to destroy the opponent's backrow, that's right. In addition to the skill that can help us draw another card, with the current meta, we can also use it as a bait, or use it to destroy when our hand is bricked. Yes, we have to be very careful because the opponent can indirectly lock our S/T slot.
  • Let's just x2 Steel, because Rex (x2) in our deck can destroy the opponent's backrow. This deck has 6 backrow remove in total.


Some replays of how I play this deck: 1: 2: 3: