Notes & Combos
Nothing new this month. A bit of a more inpressive climb considering I was in plat like last week, but less impressive when you consider I did it in the last few days. nothing new lmao
As for the banlist, I'm happy with the hits, but less happy with the fact that decks Geist has good matchups against got hit hardest. Lyr and Preda are both reletively simple to play against. Now, we have to worry about more people on Sky Striker, Star Seraph, and whatnot.
Just my thoughts, no need to yap more than needed

Nice, but alas I beat ya to being the first person worldwide to submit a post banlist Altergeist decklist, which was my goal all along. I was browsing through the Altergeist lists and all of them were either outdated or not legal anymore and since I'm a top tier player on Altergeists, I abide by the banlist immediately once it's announced. That being said, I have a love-hate relationship with the November 2024 banlist. I said it in my Altergeist dissertation in my write-up, but I am not a fan of how Needle Ceiling got hit to a limit 3, but I understand the reasoning for its hit. In a world composed of Lyrilusc, Star Seraph, and Ghostrick, Needle Ceiling was essentially being used as a one-sided quickplay Raigeki and Konami took notice of that with the limit 3 hit. I adjusted my list to one Compulsory Evacuation Device and x2 Needle Ceiling. Altergeists have problems with mass board removal so I think Needle Ceiling is crucial to play in the deck, despite its limit 3 status. Without Needle Ceiling, I often-times found myself in situations where one Silquitous bounce wasn't enough to slow down my opponent over a full board wipe.
I also want to point out that you aren't playing Pookuery? Why though? I stated it in my write-up here that I tried Evil's (Ed's) build with no Pookuery and I thought it was bad because I kept bricking with no starter. I kid you not, the amount of games where I kept drawing all backrow and no starter was just unreal when I was on Ed's build and as a result, I swapped back to my old Pookuery build and went on an easy 5 game winstreak straight into King of Games, so maybe Pookuery is the secret answer I was looking for. I don't know man, I'm a Pookuery and a Kidolga enjoyer either way and I like playing them. With the recent banlist, Lyrilusc is weaker so maybe I'll revive Kidolga again and kick Ningirsu out because Ningirsu's card art is ugly and I only want females in my decklist. Ergo, Ningirsu is male and I don't like him in my decklist, but at the same time I can't kick him out because I need a good answer into Lyrilusc or rather more specifically, Lyrilusc Assembled Nightingale. I'm exactly like my wife Ghost Gal in the sense that I only play with cute cards and Ningirsu is sooooo not cute.
I also disagree with Lyrilusc being "relatively simple" to play against because if they go first, they just Ensemblue Robin your Linkuriboh and you just die from there to the untargetable Assembled Nightingale. Lyrilusc is still a deck that's very much alive. The deck is not dead, it's just weaker to backrow now, which is good news for Altergeists to handle since it's a backrow deck by nature. As for Predaplant, that deck's still good. I saw Sean Matrai go on a x32 game winstreak with post banlist Predaplant, only losing due to an unplayable hand of x3 Droll & Lock Bird and x1 Darlingtonia Cobra. Predaplant just needs an experienced pilot to play it and let's be real, most ladder players don't know what they're doing on their deck. As for Sky Strikers, that deck is cringe to duel against since on Altergeists, Sky Strikers just eat your backrow for breakfast. Star Seraph I kind of have no issues with because that deck is heavily nerfed. Star Seraph Scepter and now Needle Ceiling both are at limit 3 so Star Seraph is pretty tame now. They just play more handtraps, but Altergeists don't really care about handtraps minus the potential Skull Meister, which no one's playing right now. If you want an actually nightmarish deck to duel against on Altergeists, then I recommend you try the True Draco matchup. True Draco is genuinely unwinnable if you're on Altergeists, trust me dude. True Draco is more annoying than Star Seraph by miles.
In the end though, the next meta is going to be great. As for whether or not the meta is truly "fixed," well that remains to be seen. Hopefully I start seeing more variety decks being played because holy cow I'm so over this format and Lyrilusc. I want to see more than Lyrillusc, Predaplant, and Sky Strikers being played. We just have to wait and see what decklists people play and how we can adapt accordingly.

I don't like pook. Also poison and ed are simply the better altergeist players. Their altergeist guide on DLM is simply fantastic. "A picture is worth more than a 1000 words", and they perfectly demonstrated this with their guide.

I find it funny you call Poison and Ed the "better" Altergeist players when they didn't answer any of my questions. It truly is laughable if you ask me. I put my points discussing Altergeists in the current metagame and I'm hit with criticisms rather than helpful feedback. As for the guide, I simply didn't need it. It was too wordy so I didn't bother reading it, not to mention I already authored my own guide, which was helpful to people in my community on learning the deck. That being said, I'll ask my questions here once again because both Poison and Evil failed to answer them in good detail.
What is the reasoning for not playing Pookuery and Memorygant? I've mentioned it earlier, but when I tried the no Pookuery builds, not only was I bricking more with no starter, but I often found myself in situations where Pookuery would have helped immensely for quick Hexstia plays. It might just be my builds though, but Pookuery (and by extension Memorygant) has both been working well for me in closing out games that I otherwise wouldn't have won without them. I like playing with more gas in my decklists and Pookuery achieves that while also being more fuel for your Personal Spoofing, both of which I like. While playing without Pookuery does work, I simply am not a fan of it because then you're just banking on playing Hexstia simulator, which is just a boring way to play the deck.
As for my second question that was ignored (and went unanswered), I don't see any explanation on how Lyrilusc is "simple" to play against given how much of a coinflip it is. Going first, Lyrilusc beats you by bouncing the Linkuriboh and then sacking you with Assembled Nightingale OTK's. If you go first, the matchup is doable because Lyrilusc has problems dealing with Linkuriboh spamming, which Altergeists excel at. You just sit on Linkuriboh and eventually build up to a Ningirsu to rid the Assembled Nightingale and win. What do you if you go second? I'm assuming you just scoop, but hey what do I know?
Finally, as for Star Seraph, that deck's really tame now that they don't have their best staples anymore. They shift to more of a handtrap build, but Altergeists don't care too much about handtraps. Now that Needle Ceiling is limit 3, Star Seraph isn't that bad to play against and I believe I have a near 100% winrate against the Star Seraph players from my decklists and the way I pilot the deck. Again, I'm a highly skilled Altergeist player already, I know the deck inside and out, so ideally I expected a better explanations to my questions rather than being ridiculed and mocked. Also, if you check my profile, I have multiple KoG entries with Altergeists to prove my skill on the deck. =)

I find it ironic that you call yourself the “greatest” Altergeist player when you provide no other credentials aside from King Of Games, an accomplishment that the grand majority of players can accomplish. Sometimes not even players, bots can do it too. It’s truly laughable if you ask me. I put my opinions about the meta in a simple paragraph and I’m hit with essays and yap and essays and yap. Did I mention the essays and the yap? As for your guide, I simply didn’t want to watch it. It was too long so I simply didn’t bother, and I already authored my own guide alongside Ev1l, which has received its own praise from the community and helped them understand Altergeist as a whole. That being said, I’ll answer your questions here once again since you insist on yapping out an essay for questions that can be asked in a couple of sentences.
What is the reason for insisting on playing Pookuery and Memorygant? I’ve mentioned it before, I don’t like Pook. It tends to act as more of a garnet that has bricked me more than anything, even when I was playing a 20c build. If you want to play them, go right ahead. I won’t stop you. But I can say with confidence that neither Pookuery or Memorygant are essential parts of the core at the current state of the deck. Level 5 Reload does enough to keep Personal Spoofing active the length of a game, so your additional argument for Pook doesn’t affect me. While playing with Pookuery does work, I simply am not a fan for the play style it promotes. You’re playing a Trap deck. You are meant to play slow.
As for your second question that I purposely ignored (and left unanswered, the explanation for Lyrilusc being a simple matchup is because it simply is. Going first and going second, you set 3 pass. The only difference is Linkuriboh being on the field. But regardless, you can still easily just loop Kunq. It’s really so simple, I find it hilarious that I need to explain it to a “highly skilled Altergeist player”, to use your own words. Sure, it’s not always gonna be easy, but the same idea is taken for each game. I assume you don’t play out every single game considering your higher than average cumulative wins, yet you have the audacity to accuse of me scooping if I don’t win a coin flip. In case you were unaware, you had more than double my cumulative wins. That includes both my DLV Max climb and my KoG climb. Either you have some terrible luck or uber skill issue, but what do I know?
Finally, as for Star Seraph, it is a good deck post banlist. It’s tamer for sure, I won’t deny that. But most people are playing it because it’s good, not because they want to roleplay. Delteros and Exciton exist, and they can do a lot on their own. Again, I’m a highly skilled Altergeist player, and know the deck inside and out. I can’t say I expected any form of modesty from you, so it’s only appropriate that you are ridiculed and mocked.
Now that I’ve finished mocking your essay with one of my own, I can finally add my own touch to this. First, don’t disrespect Chivalrous. I promise you’ll add to the already existing population of people who don’t like you, and he has the right to an opinion. Secondly, you brag about being the first person to post a post banlist list on the very last day of the month, which is well past the peak of the meta. I hit KoG on the same day, but I’m not acting as if I’m Jesus Christ reincarnated. Since we’re on the topic, your KoGs do not automatically make you a “top tier player”. Most actual top tier players have, say it with me, tops. Frankly, your excuse for not playing in tournaments is a bunch of bull. You practically admit defeat before even trying, and you claim top tier status after beating a Zombie player that was playing a clearly unoptimized build (for those who don’t know, the dude was on the Ultimate Fusion! skill). If the “greatest player” is too scared to play alongside actual competent pilots using good decks, is he really the greatest? You had no tournament achievements when the deck was tiered, and have none now. Now, while I could continue listing off other reasons to not respect you, I won’t since they’re technically irrelevant to this. But, I will say I heavily enjoyed writing this