
King of Games from on October 29th, 2023
Gems 36k
21 cards

Notes & Combos

Deskbot 003 + Metalfoes Scale 1 is the basic combo. Alternatively, you can start your play by pendulum summoning every Deskbot 002 in your hand. The whole deck revolves around Deskbot 002's lack of a HOPT and the Metalfoes scales' ability to pop 005 in the scale. I've resolved 002 four times in Turn 1 on a few occasions. Any other cards you open serve as extension or follow-up, which makes staple backrow suck in the deck. Going 1st is Decode Talker linked to Mithrilium. Going 2nd is Knightmare spam and OTK with Rasterliger. Security Dragon lets you trigger every Knightmare co-link effect in a single turn while you link climb. Mithrilium is a removal tool and a link extension since it counts as 2 bodies on the field. Limit 1 can be Enemy Controller or Monster Reborn instead. The deck quickly runs out of Deskbots in main and links in the extra so you need to find lethal fast. Deskbot 008 is an extra way to end the game.

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