
King of Games from on October 31st, 2024
Gems 53.5k
24 cards

Notes & Combos

This was done purely to prove a point, typically I'm too lazy to KOG, but I have all these beautiful Chronicles and prismatics sitting around, and someone got snippy about no Stellar Wolf, so here we are Also Infinity is so much cooler!

So yeah, typical Fleur shenanigans featuring Cyber Slash, whom I've been stuffing into "jank" builds like this since 2021, and the new toy on the block, Cyber Dragon Infinity! Never thought I would see them with Deskbots and Mecha Phantom Beasts though..

Going first you make Infinity/Bangalancer if you open Tetherwolf or 003, if you miss either, you make Bangalancer + Cyber Slash with hopefully backrow, this can be done with any normal summon (ideally a normal summoned Lv 8, don't use the skill unless you have to, it's important for follow up

Going 2nd, if you have a Sauge, you use it + Ding to dismantle board before commiting to the plant line/Infinity. If no Sauge, at skill speed, you can make Cyber slash, which opponent just cant respond to, which makes their backrow costs them board presence, then try to do plant line since summoning Cyber Slash meets the conditions for a seed from deck

Books because I don't own droplet and its too rich for my blood, helps break boards and acts as a cyber slash trigger

Veiler makes you sad, a good opponent will Veiler 003 or Tetherwolf, it's okay, that's what Cyber Slash is for, but, obviously, we want Infinity if possible

Security dragon only exists as an answer to BEWD, funnily enough, normal summon a 3k vanilla is pretty good when your main point of interaction needs to target an effect monster for some reason. Any body + Bangalancer is Security dragon + Bangalancer, but back for seconds, so that's pretty cool, but that will be your main ED tech slot if you find that matchup winnable.

Lastly, people forgot about Deskbots, 005, while being the perfect level for us, is also just randomly an MST for some reason, and 003 1000 atk boost was relevant in more games than I expected, for both not dying and securing lethal

I'm still full of righteous rage in defense of this deck, so I'll probably be right back here in a week with an early KOG, but that's what I got for now haha!

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