
King of Games from on October 31st, 2024
Gems 16k
30 cards

Notes & Combos

Materialize many victories with the Metarion!

This deck is rough, I am in shock and awe it is tier 1. While it is one of the most explosive decks available in the format, it can also often be a dud. The skill does some unique things like guarantee a draw two (under the right circumstances), load your graveyard, or fetch you an attack boost, but it pales in comparison to what the deck actually needs, a consistent way into Fusion. There are many hands and turns that are dead in the water because you are missing a piece of the puzzle, and it does not help that your puzzle pieces do not stay for very long. Between back row removal popping Fusions and all of your main deck monsters have low attack and defense (500 DEF is a common stat-line), you can find yourself not having everything you need. Oh, and piercing exists! I’m looking at you, Ancient Gear Golem.

With that being said, when you find all of the puzzle pieces, games can end instantly. Type Change Beam goes crazy with very little setup. All of your fusions have very strong effects if your opponent’s monsters are a specific typing, so much so that it essentially wipes the opponent’s board. This deck rewards good play, and is probably the most skill intensive and prediction reliant Rush deck I have ever played. Pretty much none of your cards bail you out of a bad spot, so managing your resources is incredibly important. Done properly, all will bow down to the power of FUSION!

I believe the third Star Restart and Imaginary Reactor may be the difference maker in terms of consistency, but I will not be paying for that. I hope this helps and good luck!

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