Psychics: Rush!

King of Games from on October 3rd, 2024
Gems 23.5k
30 cards

Notes & Combos

So here I am again with Psychics because I love them so much, I was trying a lot of different things with them. There is just a LOT of Cyber and Machines right now.

I tried out the Ether package with more copies of Fusion and the Star Restart, since the deck plays a lot of copies of spells the Ether main deck monsters can discard them for minimal gain and the fusion can put back our normal monsters to the top of the deck (Can:D comes to mind). This did not work out at all and conflicted with the Psychics maybe I just had bad ratios.

What I ended up using is Amusi Performer and Star Restart for the Amusi Howling Performer. Now if Romin had a skill that easily let us get the Fusion maybe it would be more focused towards that. Amusi Performer and the fusion together can burn your opponent down 1100 LP which can be very helpful.

There is some synergy here with Melo:D particularly with Howlingbird as it is a L1 psychic normal. If you can bounce something back at lower life you can grab the Can:D or Howlingbird. The true star of the mix is Star Restart. I play one copy of Fusion it's not the main focus of the deck and you can grab it back with Restart so it's good to just set if your opponent is going to blind destroy backrow. It's a great discard off Tribute to the Doom too.

Restart can summon the Can:D if you don't have Jam:P Start! or the requirements for it. It can unbrick hands by putting away maybe the L7 your going to search off the skill, even put away spells or unneccesary monsters to help get as many draws as possible on the followup. I wish the fusion was better as the material needing Amusi is a bit tough but there's only 2 copies of her here. Star Restart can also bring back Howlingbird if you need it with the fusion.

I had a lot of fun with the new fusion, it's new. Sometimes I think to myself that maybe the material being a normal would be better so you are more consistent with Jam:P Start and Star Restart, but this is an okay introductory fusion.

I did use a dream ticket for a second copy of Prima, though I still stuck with the 1/1 spilit of Re:D and Prima. That's because a Re:D is a 2500 beater that doesn't need to pay lifepoints and can be useful in certain situations off the search. Prima is still good for clearing tough big fusions/Ancient Gear Golem, if they have enough on board.

I am also playing 11 normals. That's a lot but it keeps Check/Jam:P Start online for the most part, Star Restart has a bunch of targets.

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