Gimmick Puppet

King of Games from on September 4th, 2023
Gems 55k
20 cards

Notes & Combos

"Nothing but the best for my fans!"

I always knew Gimmick Puppets were underrated and that one day they would've shined. The skill is simple yet broken, and now the deck has going 1st tools, so it's stronger than ever

I play only 2 Bisque because it's the brickiest monster (not counting Dreary), 2 Terror Baby because I only have 2 (I would still play 2 even if I had 3 copies, drawing multiple in your starting hand is awful), and I never liked Advanced Draw before, even now after trying it once again I rather play more backrows

Speaking of backrows, I don't have Book of Moon (shocking, I know), so I decided to play warning point and I gotta say, it's a very versatile card

Monster Reborn as the limited 1 option over things like Allure of Darkness because using Dingirsu again is so good

2 Gear Changer because when I have Dingirsu on field and use Chimera I can't special summon a Puppet from hand, so I normal summon Gear Changer, special summon Dreary from gy and xyz summon to push for damage


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