
King of Games from on September 12th, 2024
Gems 51k
20 cards

Notes & Combos

Hey everyone! Your favorite number one Altergeist King is back at it again with another spicy Altergeist decklist. Before I begin, I'd like to say that I'm honored to be single handedly carrying the entire Altergeist Community on my shoulders. No matter what, I won't let my waifu's (Ghost Gal's) deck die off, given how very few people are playing this deck. I was able to KoG in just 59 wins this season, proving my top tier skill on Altergeists once again.

So, how have Altergeists changed with the recent Majestic Magic mainbox? The answer is quite simple. Altergeists aren't in a great spot right now in terms of decks you want to be playing because their Lyrilusc matchup is basically unwinnable. Everything Lyriluscs have directly counters Altergeists. They have backrow removal (Promenade Thrush), Assembled Nightingale battle phase negate (so you can't Meluseek send), untargetable, and they put too much pressure on Kunquery via Assembled Nightingale's direct attacks.

As for my decklist, it's pretty much the same as my August 2024 KoG decklist except with a few minor edits. I added Altergeist Kidolga because she's actually good for stealing wins when paired with Meluseek. Titaniklad the Ash Dragon is there to flex that I whaled on the new Majestic Magic mainbox. Crystal Wing Synchro Dragon is there because I'm protesting to Konami to give Altergeists an actual good limit one card to play, you know, something that has a negate in its card text, namely Altergeist Protocol.

As ironic as it sounds, Altergeists can actually put up a decent fight against Lyrilusc if I had Altergeist Protocol to work with so hopefully we get it in the game soon so I can have a new Altergeist decklist for you guys featuring some new Altergeist toys. I need Protocol to negate the Assembled Nightingale's battle phase immunity so I can start pressuring with Meluseek send, that's the problem here with the Lyrilusc matchup. I don't really have much to contest Assembled Nightingale without Protocol.

Other than Lyrilusc, this King of Games run was easy. I only saw one Lyrilusc player, but he whiffed his combo so badly and conceded when I Compulsed his Ensemblue Robin into Multifaker combo.

My past five games were consisted of Level 5 Reload Rin (Super Quant), Battle Chronicle DSOD Yugi (Blue-Eyes White Dragon), Raider's Revolution Shay Obsidian (Raidraptors), Sacred Beast Beckoning Yubel (Sacred Beasts), and Shark Magic Combo Shark.

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As for replays, I hate to say it, but literally all of the five games to King of Games were pretty boring to watch. I guess I'll include the King of Games rankup against the Shark player because I bricked that game on double Silquitous, but still managed to win through a full board because Sharks get cooked to Needle Ceiling. Also a huge shoutout to Kidolga for sacking me wins with Meluseek.