Black Luster Soldier

King of Games from on September 10th, 2024

Notes & Combos

Hello there! Here's another KoG with BLS. I tried KoGing with Darkfluid this month, I've reached Legend 5 but I ranked down. Then I just figured "why not test Book of Eclipse in BLS?" and then went on a 10 win streak straight to KoG. Book of Eclipse really is worth it, specially against XYZ decks because you just clog up their zones once they summon 2/3 monsters. Also they can't draw cards for every flipped monster if you send all their cards back to the deck with Legendary Swordsman, huh?

Well, that's it for this month. Check out the BLS guide if you haven't already. Now I'm out to banish more Light and Darks. See ya!

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Replays (Suship) (Gimmick Puppet) (KOG Sacred Beast)