Lightning Voltcondor

King of Games from on September 12th, 2024
Gems 18k + $63
30 cards

Notes & Combos

After many days of playtesting and many... many losses, I pushed Voltcondor as far as possible and I believe this to be the best way to play the deck.

I went a bit heavier on the voltcondor side of this deck because the Pigeons early game sucks. You need to be able to clear an opponents board so they don't get ahead in card advantage early on, so I'm playing 3 faithbird and 1 magician's valkyria. Sierra torero can recycle your monsters back for the long game. Essel is Essel, plus it has attribute and level synergy with voltcondor. Beast Summoner can special summon your 2 boss monsters. And Blasting Bird is your tribute fodder. Tribute to the doomed is the best spell to go for since it can also deal with maximums. For the traps I think this selection is the best, you can replace the combustion crisis with something else, it hardly came up or was destroyed.

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