
King of Games from on September 10th, 2024
Gems 78.5k
29 cards

Notes & Combos

Girl, I am not playing this deck again! I got demoted from Legend 5 twice and almost got de-ranked two more times. Such as it is, when this deck doesn't brick it devours Seraphs, Suships, Strikers and Sharks; Sacred Beast & BEWD are 50-50 depending on how smart they are; and we almost always lose hard against Unchained, Darkfluid, and most Zombies, and guess which ones I saw the most often?

Now that the new box is out, I think this is probably one of the better Fleur variants to counter Lyrilusc if that deck ends up becoming a Tier 1 threat, as we can make either Trish without triggering Ensemblue and have Valk to blank a combat step if needed, though this remains to be seen as I literally never ran into them a single time. I did see a couple Gaias which do literally nothing and a couple Time Thief players who’s wincon apparently seems to be wasting my time with Redoer shenanigans (OH…time, I get it!)

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Strikers Sh!tanui Seraphs Seraphs Rank-Up