Super Quant

King of Games from on September 8th, 2024
Gems 45.5k
20 cards

Notes & Combos

Still waiting for the people in charge of this site to change the Super Quant icon for this site to Great Magnus. Seeing Red as the deck's icon in here does not feel right, specially when Master Duel Meta uses Great Magnus as the icon.

But, god, this was a rough climb but I did it. I was juggling between this and Sky Striker with Radian because this meta is nothing but monster hate which Striker does not give a care about, but then I locked in with just Super Quants... lost one rankup to KoG from a misplay, and another to set 3 Star Seraph (terribly designed skill btw they need to stop making skills that encourage decks to run more staples... or release Trunade to us), but with enough endurance, I did it, I reached King of Games with Super Quants for a third time!

Nothing new to say about the deck, really. The build is the same from the previous season. I made a guide about this deck which I might update once more to clean it up a bit more as well as adding few more stuff to it to make it as good as possible for everyone so this deck gets more love, specially with a new box coming.

Any way, this anime recommendation: Genesis of Aquarion. I started watching it, it has big 2000s vibe as it was released in 2005, and I love it so much so far. You all should check it out!

For replays below:

  • Sacred Beast (Going 2nd)
  • Sky Striker (Going 2nd)
  • Shark (Going 1st with 7 mats)
  • Tachyon (Going 1st with 6 mats/5 diff name mats while playing through 2 Veilers)
  • Lunalight (Going 1st with 9 mats)
  • Gladiation Beast (Bonus replay. From the Duelist Kingdom event with a different build, going 1st with 10 mats)
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