
Spicy Win Streaks from on April 11th, 2023
Gems 42k
20 cards

Notes & Combos

13 winstreak with Blue eyes from dlv 15 to dlv 19 on the kc cup.

I have less than a year playing duel links and yugioh in general and i got a nice winstreak with my brick eyes on the kc cup, i had to switch to another deck to get to dlv max though.

It's a blue eyes deck there aren't a lot of combos but the ideal first turn its to have the spirit dragon and another blue eyes on the field and a karma cut or the enemy controller set. Since i'm a f2p and new player so i dont have a lot of cards but i would add couple of ice dragon's prison and change the enemy controller for the new special set card one for one.

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i have a couple of replays here:

  1. Phantoms-Knights:
  2. Mekk-Knights:
  3. Rokket:
  4. Goukis(Streakloss):
  5. Synchrons: