
Spicy Win Streaks from on April 10th, 2023
Gems 60k
20 cards

Notes & Combos

This run to DLVMAX was (mostly) streamed live at twitch.tv/unnicknamed

I got 43 wins and 23 losses with Yosendudes (65.1515...% winrate), starting from DLV10 on the first day. I demoted from DLV19 to 18 twice due to my own misplays. That's what I get for trying to do the daily KC Cup missions at 3 a.m.

I did not eat Kama 3 this time. I even brought Oyam along. With much less The Tie that Binds, Oyam is somewhat playable. Definitely not that playable though, since pretty much anyone can remove it from the field nowadays.

I also brought Sword Sting back. This is a terrible meta to be playing Dark Hole or TTH. I don't own any Compulse so coping with Compulse.dek sure felt nice.

I ran 2 Cosmic to combat the prevalent Timelords, DMs, and PKs better. This also let me bring myself to DDraw range without my opponent having to do anything. Running 3 Cosmic is another possibility so I can additionally bring myself to Utopia Ray range I guess.

My rankup was vs Starry Knights and I went first with a brilliant hand of Oyam, Kiteroid, and 2 MSTs. It came down to my opponent having only 2 Flamel on the field and 2 cards in hand, 1 of which was Starry Dragon. I had exactly 1000 LP so I DDrew into my Kaiju, Kaiju'd his 1st Flamel, bounced my Kaiju back with my Kama 1 and Kaiju'd his 2nd Flamel. Then I made Utopia Ray and swung for lethal. If his other card in hand was the 3rd Flamel I'd have lost. It wasn't.


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You can watch how I got a 5 winstreak to DLVMAX in this KC Cup. The rankup match I described above is included in the replays of course.