Evil Eye

Spicy Win Streaks from on July 26th, 2024
Gems 25k
20 cards

Notes & Combos

I had a 14 win streak with the deck. Evil Eye is still good with proper resource management and effective use of Evil Eye cards being the key. The deck’s removal kits are crucial for winning matches. Yes, there are many stronger decks out there with powerful/broken skills, so if you're not a fan of rogue decks, Evil Eye may not be for you.

Matchups like Unchained can seem difficult, but precise timing with your pop effects can make a big difference. We also have non-destruction removal with EE Defeat. In the Sacred Beast matchup, we can destroy their Sacred Beasts if they attempt to use Fallen Paradise. I use a lot of hand traps, especially Skull Meister, which proves very useful in these matchups, and since the format is fast using handtraps are really good, as they can be use even in turn 0.

I adjusted the Evil Eye ratios, using 1 Selene and 2 Gorgoneio, which seems to be the best setup. I found that a second Selene is rarely needed, as Selene can be recycled from the graveyard.

Overall, I’m very happy to have reached KOG rank again with my favorite deck.

"Link Darkraze is a better skill, but I don’t have it, which is why I’m still using Synchro Stormraze."

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as usual gotta upload my replays in my YT channel :)