
Spicy Win Streaks from on June 14th, 2023
Gems 52.5k + $42
20 cards

Notes & Combos

Status (8 victories winstreak):

Attack: 7/10 (OTK or High ATK); Defese: 5/10 (Trap/spell or Negate resistance); Disrupt: 8/10 (Set trap/quick Spells, xyz or negate effect quick); Consistency: 7/10 (draw combo consistency); Recovery: 5/10;

power: 6.5/10 (Rogue level, like D/D/D, S-Force, Resonator, hero ...)

What the deck can do: Use the igknigt monsters to seach for "Immortal Phoenix Gearfried" to use the skill and summon it. Use "Rescue Rabbit" or "Rescue Hamster" to summon 2 lv 4 monster and do XYZ or Link. Use "Infernoble Knight - Roland" graveyard effect to seach for "Immortal Phoenix Gearfried".

The deck has room to impove, but need a lot of tests and tech cards to adjust to the meta.

Main weakenes : Vunerable to Traps and quick Spells like Book, MST, Cyclone, chalice...

Bad matchup: Odd-eyes with Raging Dragon skill.

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Combo Exemples:

ElementalHero(Defeat) https://duellinks.konami.net/att/03b776ec2fe628617ddbd0d2773746390251c7ae31

VampireOrcust(8°-victory) https://duellinks.konami.net/att/04434881067f97669473e0c9d03face7c81568ada9

Resonator(1°-victory) https://duellinks.konami.net/att/0242cfe3157e06babfd5aab4fddac0ac643cfbfd3d

Speedroid(6°-victory) https://duellinks.konami.net/att/00fcc6d3e0a8f42648139af2fa07bfb9a228f8e527