Evil Eye

Spicy Win Streaks from on June 30th, 2024
Gems 25k
20 cards

Notes & Combos

I decided to continue playing Evil Eye this season because it's one of the few decks I have in my Duel Links library. At first, I attempted to reach KOG with my newly built Plants/Sunavalon deck, but unfortunately, I wasn't successful with it. I switched back to Evil Eye and managed to climb to Legend 4 fast, so I stick with it until I reached KOG.

To optimize my Evil Eye deck this season, I removed the MST and other backrow removal staples. I also trimmed down the engine cards, like Medusa and an extra copy of Basilius, to create a slim 20-card build. In removing those cards, I added handtraps to the deck over to backrow staples since the meta rigt now is very fast, and I just opted to play around to backrow better over to commit to backrow hate staples. Since I don't have Effect Veiler or Lancea on hand, I opted to use Skull Meister as a substitute. Even though it seems to be a bad choice or substitute, it's proven quite effective in matchups against Shiranui, Zombie, DarkFluid, and others, so it's not a dead card by any means.

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as usual gotta upload my replays in my YT channel :)