
WCS DLv. Max from on June 15th, 2024
Gems 28k + $4
20 cards

Notes & Combos

♫ Master Dragon Knight / Quick to catch your eye / Never wants effect monsters to pass him by ♫

First time playing competitively! Deck seemed fun and simple, I like Blue-Eyes, I like Kaiba, what's not to love? Went 1-for-16 on coin flips to go first leading up to my promotion match, so that's cool.

I don't have Lancea. Ran White Stones as a sac target for Melody for a while, but they brick you too often, and often don't have a GY target because of Ultimate Fusion; was overthinking a simple deck. I do love Burst Stream, though, especially in the mirror.

This was fun! Glad I tried playing!

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Going Second in the Mirror

Still Going Second in the Mirror

DLv.MAX Match (Going First in the Mirror!)