Dinos: Rush!

WCS DLv. Max from on June 9th, 2024

Notes & Combos

Every single card you see here I got for free. thanks for komoney I got ghost cyclone,recital and the beast package all with there free pack pulls they gave as thankyou for that.

The only one I spent gems on is tribute to the doomed and ohhhhhhh boy what an investment it is. it litrally won me my final rank up match against a maximum summon.

Blue eyes,ultimate flag beast boltricorn and mech therizinoraptor mvps till the end.

On my rank up match my opponent maximum summoned on his first turn harpies and he obliterated my board but didn't finish me. my turn comes I draw therizinoraptor and Rex everything else duds so I gambled it summon lil dino discard big dino and what do you know I draw tribute to the doomed slaped that card on field immediately and he just couldn't recover. what a rank up game it was.

Going into rush I thought the game was gonna be too expensive to even compete in wcs but servant of dawn is a f2p players gift form the heavens.

I had tons of fun😊

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My best rank up match ever

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