
WCS DLv. Max from on June 10th, 2024
Gems 42k
23 cards

Notes & Combos

pretty fun f2p deck.

the ideia is to use the skill to fix the hand, either searching grimro or the field spell, depending on what you dont have, sending either the trap, kushano or some other fabled you dont need. then you use the field spell to dump kushano, use its effect to send a fabled monster to gy, the monster being one that can summon itself, preference being cerburrel, ganashia or abanc (use abanc effect to send kushano to gy again) then with a fabled monster on field, use grimro to search the other pieces, and kushano to send them to gy in which they summon themselves to field. the best field is to have ganashia, abanc and cerburrel, with 1 or no monsters on hand, in which you can make ragin, draw 2, then use grimro (either drawing it or using the skill to bring it from gy) and search chawa, then synchro into ancient fairy, pop the field to search summon breaker (makensure to have used the field effect to bring grimro back to hand before this) and ancient fairy other effect to summon chawa. with this you can make crystal wing. from here you can extend, maybe use grimro to search for marcosia and search a trap by using kushano to discard it, maybe try and make another ragin, if you can...

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