Infernoble Knight

WCS DLv. Max from on June 6th, 2024
Gems 32.5k + $11
20 cards

Notes & Combos

Wow, I didn't play this game for a year or two and never really achieved anything before, but when I heard they released Infernoble Knights I was stoked, made a new account and grinded my *** off, so here we are.

3 Gearfried is a must for me, its just so good for removal and the monster negate helps going both first and second. Having it in hand is ten times better than needing to search it

The Infernoble Knight Ratios can be adjusted but this is the way that I like them. No main deck Roland because to me it never felt like it really does much. I'd rather play a staple instead. Also no Magius. It's way too bricky and doesn't do too much. I always ratehr equipped Ogier to Roland for the Destruction Protection

BB Veil is pretty good and So much better than I first thought, since it can be searched with a variety of cards in the deck, including the Synchro Roland during the Endphase (if you already have Gearfried in hand, since most of the time you want to search him of the effect

The extra deck can be really adjusted a lot the way you like it, since most of the time you only need Roland and Charles for your main combo. Just throw some staples into it and you'll be good, although the Xyz were really clutch sometimes

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