
WCS DLv. Max from on June 11th, 2024
Gems 39k
20 cards

Notes & Combos

Max rank with everyone's favorite cake deck. Blue Eyes matches aren't really that bad if you open lance and they can play around the deck if you go first. I had some struggle againts Agents but surprisingly, the matchups againts d link were really nice. Ig lancea is a boring card when you have a walking double d.d. crow with protection effect lol. Also, I'm still not a fan of sistart until more supports comes. And as for the skill... Level 5 Reload really is copium but that's we gotta do for now. Other than that, the deck is still p good from their interesting GY interaction Turn 1 to their high OTK potential Turn 2. This deck is just too fun to play with.

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