
WCS DLv. Max from on June 8th, 2024
Gems 35.5k + $45
30 cards

Notes & Combos

Introducing Infernoble Ogdoadics. This was definitely a lot more consistent than the Fabled hybrid build.


● Any opening hand that can setup Nauya plus Keurse in grave with Jet Synchron (in hand or grave) can end on a turn 1 untargettable Emperor Charles with Roland in grave, and preferably an Immortal Phoenix Gearfried search as part of your follow up.

● Roland in grave can also fuel Gearfried or even equip to felgrand if you need the boost.

● If you summon Gearfried by banishing an equipped Roland, you can return him to the grave with Aleirrt and use the effect again.

● I added Samsara dragon in Dlv19 and it didn't come up once. A 2nd Charles might be better but any generic lv8 synchro, rank 8 xyz, or Jet warrior will also do fine.

The deck still bricks sometimes and the current floodgate heavy meta makes most matchups unfavorable going second. I wouldn't recommend this for ranked duels right now.

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https://duellinks.konami.net/att/02fe2e18eb2b8bd2dce6d25d07da34f337731806be Vs Shiranui

https://duellinks.konami.net/att/017933499a56868b42f8babb69ce24cedf2e9d5252 Vs Battle Chronicle (Going 2nd)

https://duellinks.konami.net/att/0590db193a4178040743dadfdca46cee2f9f3dcae8 Bonus replay from Ranked duels vs turn 1 full floodgate Agents