
WCS DLv. Max from on June 9th, 2024
Gems 21k
20 cards

Notes & Combos

The deck is not exactly a finished build, didn't have the gems, but it did the job nonetheless. I'd recommend replacing Necro Vulture(very useless) with another copy of Strangle or Fuzzy. Mystical Space Typhoon is more preferrable with this deck, but again I did not have the gems, and Double Cyclone works well enough for a self pop on unbreakable.

Extra Deck is the standard Raidraptors and some others, but I couldn't really find a reason to use other ED variants.

Going first(or even second) sucks with a spell/trap heavy hand. Wins are easier on turn 2 if you can XYZ without touching the normal summon. To be honest, it dies easily to Agents and Shaddoll, but surprisingly plays well against blue eyes for the most part(dodge/bait/pop the 2 main quick plays and ride on) Occasionally holds against Shiranui and PK, and very few wins against Borrell Link.

Why are there no handtraps or staple cards you ask? Gems.

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