King of Games from on January 23rd, 2025
Gems 72.5k
30 cards

Notes & Combos

I know it looks pretty run of the mill, but still want to do a small write up for anyone who is interested.

If you don't read anything, at least watch the replay as it's actually pretty epic IMO

If you go first, turn 1 would ideally include using stratos to search for liquid, and using polymerization to fuse them into Sunrise to activate liquid's draw effect. Depending on what's in your hand at this point, you use the skill to send something from your hand for Armed Thunder, but if nothing in your hand is available you send Sunrise to the grave as well.

Sometimes, for the mirror match, you want to leave Armed Thunder face down so they can't super polymerization if away during the main phase.

Speaking of the mirror match, putting out regular Armed Dragon Level 10 can bait the opponent to use super polymerization, but they may be more hesistant to the pull the trigger on that if they still have a facedown monster.

Going 2nd can be stressful against other Hero players, and having 3 MST and 2 Cyclones was nice to be able to consistently pop the Super Poly. You could probably get away with less. I'd throw in a Winged Kuriboh Level 6, or "R-Righteous Justice", as possible replacements.

I actually never used Foribdden Droplet during the Legends Climb, but it was part of the deck and I want to post this "as is".

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